In the Triangle area, we have all heard the suggestions, especially from Duke Progress Energy, to switch to LED light bulbs. We have all heard the rumors that they use less energy and thus, save money on our energy bills. But, is that really true?LED Light Bulbs

Our team at AGK Electric helps our customers make decisions just like this. LED lightbulbs are great for some Cary families, but not for everyone. There are a few key factors that need to be considered before switching the whole house to LED lightbulbs.

3 things to consider when determining if LED light bulbs are right or wrong for a household are:

  1. Moving Time frame: The lifespan of an LED light bulb is 12 to 15 years (depending on the room they are in.) A regular light bulb is 9 to 12 months. So, if the plan is to move in a year or two, then there is no need for LED light bulbs.
  2. Area of the Home: Certain areas in the home have lights running more than others. For example, unless a family uses their guest bedroom for an Air BNB, the guest bedroom is used much less than the kitchen. High traffic areas of the home will be better candidates for the LED light bulbs.
  3. Hours of Usage: Incandescent light bulbs lasts about 1,000 to 2,000 hours where as a an LED light bulb lasts 25,000 to 50,000 hours. So, the kitchen which has lights on from 5 PM to 10 PM every night, might need an LED Light bulb. However, a home office may have lights on for one to two hours per day thus, an incandescent bulb is great.

Certain types of home electrical systems can do better with different types of lighting systems. Before making an important decision for your home and power bill such as this, it may be best to consult a Cary electrician. Contact AGK Electric today and set up a time to discuss what is the best decision for your home.